31.  And both Yeltsin and Chinese President Jiang Zemin appear to view the summit largely as an opportunity to play to important constituencies at home.

32.  Analysts view these properties as almost recession proof.

33.  Analysts viewed the move as tacit criticism of Windows NT.

34.  Analysts said they viewed the merger as a combination of equals.

35.  And fewer environmentalists view business executives as the devil incarnate.

36.  And his parents, like so many other parents of students killed or injured while building the Bonfire, viewed the accident as a fluke.

37.  And state-controlled CCTV views the show as a service to the people.

38.  And suddenly, Democrats who not long ago feared he would undermine Vice President Al Gore are increasingly viewing Nader as a storm whose thunder has passed.

39.  And some simply view his program as a form of comic relief.

40.  And they do not view government as the enemy.

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