1.  Defensively, Coleman volunteered in the second half to shadow Clarence Weatherspoon, Philadelphia's top player.

2.  Defensively, he and Rogers will be matched up against some of the league's top scorers, so that aspect must improve.

3.  Defensively, the Patriots will be without end Ferric Collons, one of their top run stoppers, who has an ankle injury.

4.  Dennis McKechnie, manager of the Pimco Innovation fund, said Check Point is among his top 10 holdings.

5.  Denver edged out the Dallas area for the top spot in the survey.

6.  CUC International Inc. was among the week's top decliners.

7.  Der Spiegel, Germany's top news magazine, called Kohl an "economic ignoramus" who has presided over the decline without spotting the dangers.

8.  Defying the protests, top Latvian military and police officials attended a second march.

9.  DeKalb was already hovering near the top 25, ranked at No. 27 last year and No. 29 the year before.

10.  Describing top Japanese officials as in a state of denial over their country's financial difficulties, Wood delves into the unique structural problems lying just below the surface.

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