81.  As automakers reach across borders, they are taking their top suppliers with them.

82.  Customer service at walkthrough and afterward has become a point of emphasis for some of the top builders such as Del Webb, Shea and KB Home.

83.  Cut 2 inches off the top of a shingle and place its top edge against the bottom edge of the third course.

84.  Cut 5 slashes in top of dough to allow steam to escape.

85.  Cut another 2 by 4 to fit at the top between the newly installed studs.

86.  Cut another piece to fit the width across the top.

87.  Cut butter into pats and distribute on top.

88.  Cut decorative vents in the top.

89.  Cut each onion, from top to root, into 6 wedges.

90.  Cut into squares, top with candy hearts.

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