71.  A big woman, Wilkens uses her bulk to exquisite comic advantage.

72.  A bill to let workers carry health insurance coverage from one employer to another should be a sure bet to become law.

73.  A Bill will be introduced to replace private legislation as the means for authorising transport development schemes.

74.  A bipartisan commission had worked for more than a year to produce the blueprint for the legislation that the House passed.

75.  A bipartisan drive to change the rules for financing federal campaigns is running into stiff resistance from veteran members of Congress.

76.  A bipartisan reauthorization bill to overhaul the act, authored by Sen.

77.  A bipartisan tax bill will have to bridge big differences between the parties on capital gains tax cuts.

78.  A bird that thought so and Decided to make a meal of it would quickly die.

79.  A bit like Mrs Riley, to tell the truth.

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