11.  A A Gill, you can not help but suspect, probably wrote Starcrossed to fend off all other contenders.

12.  A baby born out of wedlock was a great sin, then, and a huge embarrassment to the family.

13.  A baby who is not gaining weight is probably not getting enough to eat.

14.  A baby with low muscle tone has a slumped posture and is slow to sit up.

15.  A bachelor of nearly fifty Decides to Marry.

16.  A bachelor who did not take kindly to children under any circumstances, he found the atmosphere at Four Winds appalling.

17.  A backhoe dug down to the damaged culvert in the bottom while a crew assembled another culvert up on top.

18.  A backlash to atonal techno-pop or angst-ridden thrash-rock?

19.  A badly-balanced packet of tapioca crashed from shelf to floor and burst open like a ripe seed-pod.

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