1.  In 1780, there are have a river through the village as well as four farms.

2.  We should hang on and judge practically through further acquaintance.

3.  Looking into her eyes through her dainty glasses, I could always see kind expression.

4.  Personally, I learned how to plan as a whole and work together through my experience of dealing with study and work at the same time.

5.  It is much more eye-catching when the bright sunshine goes through the leaves and shadows on the building.

6.  According to it, undergraduates are categorized into three types: those who gain high GPA via supreme Intelligence Quotient, regarded as gods and goddesses; those who acquire remarkable achievements as well but through hard work, known as study kings and queens and the rest, everyman.

7.  Since I have learnt my university life through my personal experience for more than one year, it is clear that there is no exception in campus.

8.  On campus, there is also much stereotyping forming through a long period of school life and a most common of it is that girls are worse at math than boys.

9.  Through my last semester, I cherished it as a dictum and personally took part in it.

10.  When they walked into the room through the strange wooden door, everyhing was not tidy than before.

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