1.  A bag full of cocaine is one thing but a steak pie?

2.  A Bevanite pamphlet appeared in July which argued - among other things - that the government was exaggerating the Soviet threat.

3.  A big noise in the record industry, whatever that Cornelius stuffed things into his suitcase.

4.  A break might give her a better perspective on things.

5.  A breeze, a small thing, had slid in from open water.

6.  A City College education was a thing of breathtaking narrowness and perfect clarity.

7.  A curious thing has happened here.

8.  A diagram represents things in only two dimensions.

9.  A distributed, Decentralized network is more a process than a thing.

10.  A fast ride on a racing bicycle is the nearest thing in this world to man-powered flight.

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