61.  Adler launched into Summertime-that glorious thing he has been playing since he worked with Gershwin, spinning out spiralling improvisations.

62.  Adorno, then, is certainly talking about real things.

63.  Advertisers try to sell things by using images of the female body.

64.  After a couple of halfhearted bucks he settled and found the whole thing rather boring.

65.  After a warm summer, things were looking mighty good at the end of August.

66.  After a while Peach began to notice strange things.

67.  After all, Frank was not a lawyer, and I was the one who had filed the damn thing.

68.  After all, I reasoned, our government had better things to do than harass political activists.

69.  After all, Levi admits to more than a passing interest in things financial, shall we say.

70.  After all, the only thing more boring than being dull is being dull and right.

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