1.  I reached out to help her drive them away, but right after that I regretted.

2.  " I cried in my mind, "Westerners don't like intimate touch with people whom they are not familiar with.

3.  Besides, they never care too much about their appearance so they are slovenly for most of the time.

4.  What's more, they don't know how to be romantic so they probably fail when paying court to girls.

5.  But most of them choose their majors in stereotyping ways.

6.  The professors thought that they are the elite so they can do it by themselves.

7.  Then I realized that most of girls choose the liberal arts and few of boys choose them.

8.  It was proved that she did quite a good job in subjects and from then on, I started to learn from them and work harder than I had done in the senior school.

9.  There is a mass of stereotypes on campus and I just list 3 of them.

10.  Actually, these are nothing wrong because they are good to reading, listening and communicating skills.

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