81.  First, they are described as wretched boys.

82.  They usually try their best to escape the troubles.

83.  They seem to be not helpful, nevertheless they are willing to spend great energy helping the young girls.

84.  They use "Pure" "lovely" and "docile" to describe the young girls.

85.  They cannot find even one word to criticize these young beautiful girls.

86.  They are captured by girls' vigour.

87.  Because of boys' unfair treatments, they are blamed for their prejudice.

88.  As we know, people in China often appreciate others according to which universities they graduated from and how high scores and GPA they got in some environment of competitions.

89.  One of them graduated from Nanjing University.

90.  They whispered for a long time and let our professor stand there with full of perplexity and bewilderment.

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