61.  Any police reporter working a major crime story could attest to that.

62.  Any policy that counts on Russia's remaining in its humiliating position, following in the American wake, is doomed to defeat.

63.  Any political media event that involves use of props.

64.  Any politician here who does so opens himself to charges that he is legitimizing terrorism.

65.  Denise Rich finally signed an emotional two-page letter to Clinton, dated Dec. 6, that Quinn helped draft.

66.  Denise Smith, a Micron spokeswoman, said that the decision came after a review that also included eight advertising agencies she declined to identify.

67.  DENISON-COLUMN (Undated) _ New technical ideas that are just over the horizon have gotten harder to sell.

68.  Denman was one of the racing personalities who fought for 1992 rule changes that gave California the nation's toughest prohibitions on abusive whipping.

69.  Denmark-based International Service Systems A/S said it would not comment on a U.K. press report that it is interested in BET's cleaning business.

70.  DENMARK-EURO (Copenhagen) _ Exit polls from Thursday's vote showed that the Danes were moving toward rejecting the euro.

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