91.  Any privilege that may exist, the judge concluded after reviewing Starr's case in camera, is trumped by the independent prosecutor's need for the evidence.

92.  Dennis Grady, of Columbus, Ohio, for example, writes to suggest that it could cut the national toll of deaths by gunshot.

93.  Dennis Greenstein, another Manhattan co-op lawyer, said that some of his client boards were bypassing middlemen when looking for vendors and contractors.

94.  Dennis Hartwig, a retired lawyer, said that while irresponsible anglers should be penalized, it was wrong to penalize others who exercised common sense but had misfortune.

95.  Dennis has done something that people just don't know about.

96.  Dennis Hastert, the House speaker, has given no indication that he intends to bring the bill before the full House for a vote soon.

97.  Dennis Hayes, founder of the company that bears his name, becomes chairman of the merged firm.

98.  Dennis J. O'Connor was the oldest of the three O'Connor boys, and part of a family that liked to be together.

99.  Dennis Jones, executive vice president for operations, estimates that 1994 revenues will hit $1.6 billion.

100.  Dennis L. Jones, a BART floor worker and member of the transit union, acknowledged that customers were angry.

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