81.  But Arnett did not take the decision as a victory.

82.  But as the day progressed, a seesaw bout took place as the index swung between negative and positive.

83.  But both women say they took those projects mainly as springboards to better films.

84.  But by the same token, McCurry said, audiences take the jokes as baby-boomers having fun with one of their own.

85.  But DiScala said he took this attitude as a threat.

86.  But even more troubling, it demonstrates that Clinton valued his own gratification too highly and took his duty as president too lightly.

87.  But being a risk manager for Aon Insurance, he was cautious not to take his wife along as a passenger.

88.  But Galindo, who was insured for the damage his resort suffered, has taken the storm as an opportunity to make long-needed improvements.

89.  But he blocks, makes some catches, gets a few carries here and there and takes his role as team captain seriously.

90.  But he indicated that he opposed taking that step as part of the budget agreement.

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