11.  Theological references to them are scant, though St Bernard took the blackness as a symbol of humility.

12.  Glyn took his remark as an insult, and immediately picked him up on it.

13.  Many people took second jobs as a safeguard against unemployment.

14.  He took the comment as a challenge to his manhood.

15.  He took a job as a waiter.

16.  Shopping-bag ladies are not very communicative and take general conversation as an intrusion.But after a while, warmed by chicken soup, she began to speak.

17.  In traditional Chinese society, sons were important because they would take positions as head of the family and keep the family name alive.

18.  Behrman, in his old blue shirt, took his seat as the miner on an upturned kettle for a rock.

19.  The editor of the who published photographs of the Princess of Wales exercising at a gym has described himself and the man who took the photographs as ratbags.

20.  He believed that it was the official Opposition and had an undoubted right to take its place as the next in line.

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