1.  Our group mission was to investigate the site distribution of the school bus in the Xianlin campus, in order to give some useful suggestions on the sites reset.

2.  So when catch the site of a pair of lassie, not open your eyes widely and say someing uncomfortable.

3.  On weekends, we can travel together to some famous site.

4.  In my opinion, I am standing on the site of translating and memorizing word.

5.  Mark Zuckerberg is best known for co-creating the social networking site Facebook, of which he is chief executive and president.

6.  Sometimes work requires that information leaves the work site, and that may put it at greater risk.

7.  However, it's also possible for people to be cheated by an online education site , so, like anything on the Internet, I suppose we can never be too careful when choosing to study and sending money.

8.  Almost all the westerners on the site gave her lavishing praises because to them, to sound like traditional Chinese is amazing enough.

9.  These experts can also ensure the proper preservation of evidence found at\

10.  If you want ideas about what flowers to plant, you might find a fellow gardener's site serves your needs perfectly.

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