61.  Analysis of the archaeological site will help us make an intelligent guess as to what it was used for.

62.  Ancient camp sites are still used by people eager to relearn old ways.

63.  And a crop of sites are dedicated to savers and investors who hold assets outside their home countries.

64.  And create a significant Internet site.

65.  And I read that many cathedrals were built on ancient pagan sites, which in turn were built over underground streams.

66.  And indeed, from this lofty site Loch Arkaig itself is a vision to make you burst into song.

67.  And it has installed control software to ensure that engineers can be on site in four hours if necessary.

68.  And it will take other research sites to predict the effects on natural environments rather than well-tended farmland.

69.  And much of the liquid used to simulate nerve gas at the test site was contained by the wooden crates.

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