31.  Abandon wait for taxi, hoist bags over shoulder and trudge to site where minivans transport officials and persuasive hangers-on to tournament.

32.  Abscesses form classically under the lower jaw but can occur in other sites.

33.  Absorption from such sites is very likely to be erratic, leading to poorly controlled diabetes and possibly unexplained hypoglycaemia.

34.  Academy teachers visit the work sites once a week.

35.  Access to the site is closely controlled.

36.  Aerial photographs can be used to locate archaeological sites.

37.  After a tiny hesitation the man laughs back, and we drive on through the site.

38.  After being placed the students travel in pairs to their service sites and must provide their own introductions to their supervisors.

39.  After execution he carried his severed head to the site of the present basilica of St Denis.

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