61.  DIGITAL-MUSIC (Los Angeles) _ Developments in the search for a set of standards for delivering copyright-protected music over the Internet.

62.  Digital's AltaVista search tool gets more than 20 million each day, according to the suit.

63.  Did police have probable cause to enter the hotel room and then search it without a warrant?

64.  Despite the murder charge, the search for Danielle continued Monday, with the authorities encouraging volunteers to keep looking for her.

65.  David Dir, the director of player development for MLS, called the tryouts "a search for diamonds in the rough."

66.  Ding has tracked down 160 families who lost relatives and 70 people who were injured that night, but was stopped by authorities from finishing her search.

67.  Direct Hit runs its own search engine and also licenses its technology to others, including HotBot and Lycos.

68.  Different breeds behave distinctly: Huskies, for example, run far and fast, so an initial search has to include a wide sweep.

69.  Different instruments will search for evidence of a metallic core, the presence of seismic activity and a magnetic field.

70.  Difficult search: On the other end of the spectrum is Ken Hill.

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