21.  Anyone bold enough to check a popular search engine for, say, Robert E. Lee will find several hundred thousand matches.

22.  Anyone can (currently) review information to ensure there was adequate reason for the search and the arrest."

23.  Despite Gross' assessment that GoTo produced more relevant search results, the site at first had a hard time attracting users.

24.  Despite his detractors, Delgaudio shows no signs of ending his unusual career, and the search for the perfect sound bite.

25.  Denenberg said the toad work, which should be verified by more research, ought to inspire a search for even earlier examples of handedness in evolutionary history.

26.  Denis Crowther insists there were no other search vehicles in the area during the five hours he was in the air.

27.  Despite the headstart, the British group left the search area empty-handed.

28.  Despite the power of using cyberspace for your name search, you'll find that nothing can replace books and human experts.

29.  Despite the upbeat nature of the ambassador's speech, several contentious issues may elude the search for common ground.

30.  Department of Public Safety troopers and correctional officers continued to stop and search all vehicles on roads leading from the prison.

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