71.  Anonymity, like the uniforms of nurses, the police or soldiers, highlights the role, not the person performing it.

72.  Another important finding of the study was the confusion and ambivalence which these carers exhibited in relation to role reversal.

73.  Another is of women always taking the more subservient roles in home and work situations.

74.  Antibiotics play an essential role in controlling infection.

75.  Apart from a mettlesome Emilia in Gisella Pasino the smaller roles are filled with indifferent singers.

76.  As a competitor for wild game, the mink is not resented for fulfilling its natural role.

77.  As a consequence of this fact it is possible to delineate the proper role of the congregation in the eucharistic prayer.

78.  As a feminist, I am interested in the role that gender categories play in any process of self-constitution.

79.  As a husband, he fulfilled the model role of an attentive and loving spouse.

80.  As an aspect of culture, roles provide an important part of the guidelines and directives necessary for an ordered society.

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