11.  A good police officer is not fulfilling his role if he neglects this vital aspect.

12.  A key issue to emerge from the game was the role of private satellite companies.

13.  A lofty and spacious carriage, the G slips from rough country into a more courtly role as if to the manner born.

14.  A man who can not attain his manhood through an affirmative role resorts to the lowest terms of masculinity.

15.  A modicum of semi-professional training defines the role as putting into practice a set of ideals inculcated in that training.

16.  A new role for the courts has to be fashioned out of our system of parliamentary democracy - Justinian.

17.  A presidential Decree strengthened the role of the Security Council.

18.  A principal role should be undertaken by staff directly involved with and who are experienced in dealing with, elderly groups.

19.  A proper understanding of the role of intention in trusts must therefore come from other texts.

20.  A recent parenting study corroborates the benefits of such role reversal.

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