1.  Describing her concept of the book, Ms. Godoff said, "The way in is autobiography, but you can't escape policy.

2.  Dartmouth's registrar, Tom Bickel, said the new grade reporting policy seemed to be encouraging professors to grade more harshly.

3.  Decision hasn't changed policy; waiver went through an administrative process, not federal court.

4.  Doesn't understand policy."

5.  Driver's Mart will employ the no-haggling sales policy made popular by General Motor's Saturn dealerships.

6.  Edward Cafasso, a spokesman for Harshbarger, declined to discuss specifics of the case, citing policy when the office serves as counsel to other state agencies.

7.  Either it's policy or it's personal _ maybe a little of each here," Chapman said.

8.  During those palmy days, when Daedalus was helping make policy as well as analyzing it, circulation occasionally approached 50,000.

9.  Each council is independent, and (its) executive board has the responsibility to set policy for that council."

10.  Environmental justice is one of those mid-level Washington policy debates that present tough choices for any new administration, and especially a Republican one.

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