61.  As a former president, he was elected to the House of Representatives, where he continued to press for strong national policies.

62.  Despite his ill-chosen words, Butts was explaining how minorities have fared under some of Giuliani's most recent policies.

63.  Currently, the country has only a broad policy on adoption, with no one to administer it.

64.  Currently, the federal government alone sets and enforces immigration policy.

65.  Currently, there is a lack of trustworthy information about the extent of the problem, said Kevin Werbach, FCC counsel for new technology policy.

66.  Demmer said the district "over the next several weeks" will review policies for handling football postgame situations.

67.  Democracy and human rights were not the main standard by which French presidents measured their Africa policies, however.

68.  Desperate for a policy that was both consistent and committed, the hapless generals set up a sexual misconduct hotline.

69.  Democratic activist Jesse Jackson has a policy proposal.

70.  Democratic and Republican economic policies count on this happening.

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