1.  A barn was attached on the left side and the whole place stood in the centre of a stone courtyard.

2.  A blessing takes place, following a procession from the church by the clergy and congregation.

3.  A boiled egg and two slices of buttered bread had been laid out at his place at the table.

4.  A busy place at which most tourists cast no more than a cursory glance and pass on.

5.  A central theme in Bad Blood is places and spaces, and how we learn to shape ourselves around them.

6.  A climate of mistrust arises that, once in place, makes it more likely that the issues become undiscussable.

7.  A community centre is the ideal place for local residents to get together to discuss crime prevention.

8.  A cord is pulled tightly around the crown to hold it in place.

9.  A couple of screws should hold it in place.

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