91.  A very bright, transparent cool green, viridian has a place on many palettes.

92.  A war zone is a dangerous place to be even in the ab-sence of combat.

93.  A white van was seen in the vicinity at about the time when the murder took place.

94.  A white van was seen in the vicinity at the time the murder took place.

95.  A Yakut tribesman was out of place in Irkutsk.

96.  Aberration, if it occurred, was not recorded, and the female line took second place.

97.  About half of those places are Marked by asterisks.

98.  About half the normal amount of trades took place as traders were reluctant to place bets ahead of the long weekend.

99.  About the motive for killing him Place seemed less clear.

100.  About this time, too, will have taken place an incident, said to have done much to raise morale.

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