61.  Depending on where he lines up _ under center or in the shotgun _ Brees' next challenge is scouting the defense.

62.  Depending on which floor you're on, the Rich's at Gwinnett Place mall either looks like the classiest store in the chain or a disaster area.

63.  Depending on which you pick, you could incur special feature or telephone company charges for setting up Call Forwarding or Call Waiting.

64.  Depending on who does the calculating, property taxes paid by apartment owners and other landlords account for 12 percent to 20 percent of the rental fees charged tenants.

65.  Depending on who is counting, estimates of the number of militia members in New England vary widely.

66.  Depending on who is speaking, the organization lost between $200,000 and $500,000 last year while spending $2 million.

67.  Depending on who tells the story, the Presstek phenomenon has been the market's welcome for the next Xerox or a staggering feat of market manipulation.

68.  Depending on who their hottest hitter is, we might have to pitch around him.

69.  Depending on who wins the Republican presidential nomination, this issue could be a defining one in the 2000 race.

70.  Depending on whom one believes, the answer is likely to be more convenient air travel or higher air fares, or possibly a combination of the two.

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