11.  As a bridge, I was called on by each side for help in contacting the other."

12.  Depending on shape and size, place on the doorstep or attach to the front door.

13.  Depending on what machinery is used and how it is calibrated, some of these kinds of goods might have to be barred from normal mail service.

14.  Depending on where the cancer occurs, it can be sexually crippling; more commonly, so can the treatments used to control it.

15.  Depending on where you live and where you're going, you can save a bundle in gas and parking fees.

16.  Depending on which portion of the brain is damaged, communication or coordination skills may be affected in varying degrees.

17.  Depending on who buys whom, they may yet be joined by a third.

18.  Depending on who is counting, there are 80 to 100 plots left.

19.  Depending on who is discussing it at Time Warner, the article was either a gutsy show of independence or a nasty example of ax-grinding.

20.  Depending on who is judging, the Institute's Council on Families is described as somewhere between centrist and conservative.

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