61.  After a sleepless night Stavrogin sets forth.

62.  After a sleepless night, she looked almost as pale and exhausted as Elinor.

63.  After all, Oscar night is the biggest fashion show in the world.

64.  After dismissing it out of hand, the neighbor called back the same night and said it might be worth considering.

65.  After everyone was gone for the night I cried myself to sleep.

66.  After last night, after any of these nights lately, I was so physically exhausted, I really needed sleep!

67.  After my first spell of night duty I collapsed into bed and slept for nineteen hours.

68.  After one night in Bergen, participants take a cruise along the Sognefjord, the deepest and longest fiord in the world.

69.  After sailing all day, I reached a small island, where I slept that night.

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