41.  A small heater keeps off the night chill.

42.  A storm rages that night, bringing heavy winds and choppy seas.

43.  A strange cry rang high into the night.

44.  A string of personal disasters culminated in a costly court appearance for wrecking a taxi after a night out.

45.  A sudden boom followed in its wake, a new parachute flare splitting the night sky - a red target flare.

46.  About a week later Lilly got a phone call in the middle of a rainy night.

47.  About two hours every night is spent in light sleep.

48.  Above the village, almost invisible against the velvet shroud of the night sky, something huge silently blotted out the stars.

49.  Accompanied by growls and booms of distant thunder, which rattled the panes, it filled the night.

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