1.  As a boy, Conte also loved to make music _ first on the piano and later on the vibraphone.

2.  Anybody familiar with the '60s should have an appreciation for what music can be about and how it can affect culture.

3.  CUR-KEYBOARDS-MUSIC (Undated) _ How keyboards _ computer keyboards _ are increasingly being used in performance to create music.

4.  Despite his scholarly interests in the phenomenon, downloading music for free boils down to something very simple.

5.  Digital City visitors can click on icons for Gap colognes and hear music designed to be evocative of each one's fragrance.

6.  Dimitri Tiomkin's famous score has been imitated so often that one imagines it suffusing the film, but what is striking is how infrequently music is heard.

7.  Day and night, drug dealers cluster on stoops and sidewalks, blasting music and selling stupefaction.

8.  DJs will be hired to play music.

9.  Digital photography, music, online identification and the technology for a number of new Internet services are tightly bound to the operating system.

10.  Digitally remixing music "is a new genre, and no one seems to have quite realized it yet," Herbert said.

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