41.  Accusations of ballot-box stuffing at the neighborhood-run election were made about the meeting which nominated the new slate.

42.  After a brief introduction by the chairman, the meeting began.

43.  After a meeting with Minton, Lehmann usually commented in his diary on his mental state.

44.  After addressing a public meeting in support of extending the franchise to agricultural workers he had caught a severe cold.

45.  After all, the meeting with Jack was fortuitous.

46.  After an hour-long meeting in the presidential palace, a hangdog Mr Cossiga announced that he and Mr Andreotti were in full agreement.

47.  After issuing instructions to Edelstein, Clanahan, and Boyd, the President adjourned the meeting until noon.

48.  After that meeting with John, Anne often met him strolling along near her home and always stopped to talk to him.

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