91.  As a member of a local group you can receive a newsletter and attend regular social meetings.

92.  As chairman you are responsible for calling the meeting, holding it together, and devising an effective way of working.

93.  As Father Maier fretted over the course of the meeting, Ray McGovern reveled in his momentary success.

94.  As he expected, Manion received an e-mail message from Philippe Fontaine requesting a meeting on the following Tuesday.

95.  As likely as not, the meeting will take place in the village pub.

96.  As protesters battled the police in the streets outside the meeting, ministers argued inside, and the talks eventually collapsed.

97.  As reported, an exploratory meeting already has been held.

98.  As soon as the meeting began, however, irreconcilable differences emerged.

99.  As the working party suggested, a section of the Council meeting dealing with private Institute business was held in closed session.

100.  As we shall see, meetings and processions are subject to restrictive laws and police powers.

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