1.  Actually, if one person buries himself/herself in some subjects, such as science or social science, he/she may be influence by what he/she learns to some degree.

2.  They may think that, "I am not going to do those dirty and tiring but clean and relaxing jobs.

3.  And many students learning liberal arts are fans of Shakespeare or Xueqin Cao, and so fascinated that they can hardly avoid talking about those tragedies written by them, which may be understood as complaining and nagging.

4.  Even before real contact with someone else, stereotypes might have grown from some invisible campus-standards.

5.  For example, a student who majors in physics may sounds having qualities like: intelligent, hard-working and silent.

6.  On campus, as everyone is well-educated and cultivated, people's incorrect impressions or comments about others may not be intended.

7.  Gender , racism, normality and social order may cause immense effects when we make prior assumptions.

8.  Sometimes , the faulty assumptions may even cause enormous mistakes.

9.  "Is there anyone who may come later? " he asked.

10.  "\

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