91.  To some degree, primary impression may affect something but it is not invariable.

92.  Someone may say that woman is equal to man in that they can compete for the same position and do the same thing.

93.  Though I may have ups and downs in the pursuit of my goal , I believe that with the help of our beloved teacher and my endeavor , I will overcome all difficulties and avoid the shallows to reach the destination.

94.  Of course, they may play different roles in a family.

95.  Everyone may play a different role in life, just like everyone should have his or her own role in life since everyone is distinct.

96.  For instance, in the spare-time, I may listen to English radio programs or watch TV English programs, especially refers to Medicine.

97.  Nowadays, we may find that in a lot of families, husbands share the housework with their wives and wives work to support the family together with their husbands.

98.  This may be a reason why men are good at abstract thinking and spatial thinking while women are good at language and sentiment analysis.

99.  She may need them.

100.  Those thankless errands may plague women around the world, but for some in Saudi Arabia they are a long-dreamed-of freedom.

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