71.  Analysts consider an effective land code to be one of the essential building blocks of a true Western-style Market economy.

72.  And another bankruptcy, involving Braniff Airlines, reminded everyone of the stranglehold the Big Eight carriers have over the domestic Market.

73.  And Britain, though liberal, accepts that Markets require regulation.

74.  And he warned that if companies failed to address corporate accountability the Market regulation it proposed could be replaced by Government regulation.

75.  And how has Cologne fared in the contraction of the art Market worldwide?

76.  And if the Market plunges, many Wall Street newcomers might dump stocks and mutual funds as quickly as they bought them.

77.  And it does not want to knock the stuffing out of a fragile Market.

78.  And most brokers in Moscow think that new foreign money will pour into the Market if Yeltsin wins.

79.  And most of the former Warsaw Pact nations have trouble Deciding if they want either free elections or free Markets.

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