21.  A Market is a group of existing and potential buyers or users of a product or service.

22.  A Market is held daily in the town square.

23.  A Market maker does not have complete control over his portfolio because he is always required to make a Market.

24.  A Market overt is a Market, constituted under statute, by royal charter or by long standing custom.

25.  A Market would be a relatively costly way of adjusting the uses made of specific assets in response to unforeseen changes revealed over time.

26.  A merger would also remove a potential competitor in the Market.

27.  A Northrop GrummanHughes combination would control the great bulk of the Market for airborne radar systems.

28.  A predicted upturn in the Market would have put a much higher valuation on the painting.

29.  A product like this should do well in the commercial Market.

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