81.  As a consequence, they're starved for male attention to help them figure how to be men.

82.  As a critic of other men's shortcomings, he is almost without peer.

83.  As a crowd of giddy young men watched, Wahidullah, who calls music "food for the mind," explained what this trip meant.

84.  Curling came to a quirky, quiet ending Friday night after the men's gold-medal game.

85.  Curran maintained the man was aware of how the money was being used, the affidavit says.

86.  Current recommendations call for both men and women to engage in 30 minutes a day of moderate physical activity, such as walking or gardening.

87.  Dershowitz, second to none in his outspoken revulsion at Grant, nonetheless argues that WABC should have kept both men on the air.

88.  Described by his friends as a quiet man, Hawley was seen as an unlikely contender.

89.  Described by his pursuers as a wily man with survivalist skills, Waagner made numerous stops for only a few days at a time, officials said.

90.  Describing the vicious rapes by Serbian soldiers, one woman says the men were "just like dogs fighting over a piece of meat."

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