91.  Despite equal opportunity legislation, job advertisements frequently specify "recruiting men only."

92.  Currently, it comes in five sizes from small to extra-large for both men and women.

93.  Currently, men who want to fight Mother Nature over the inevitability of baldness have one option: minoxidil, marketed by Upjohn Inc. as Rogaine.

94.  Despite his continuing efforts, Levendel never identified the men who arrested his mother.

95.  Despite his empathy, the contrast between young men in earrings to the plain-talking, Midwestern senator was startling.

96.  Despite his exit, the Galaxy could not score with the man advantage in the first half.

97.  Despite his losses, Garrett's enterprise was a success, and he was a wealthy man when he decided in 1890 to emmigrate to the United States.

98.  Despite his precarious position, Bao is a direct and relentlessly upbeat man.

99.  Despite his seemingly sweet nature, Jack has already killed one man _ the lover of his mother (Leslie Caron).

100.  Currently, the men's squad is represented by Andre Agassi, the Wimbledon finalist MaliVai Washington, and the doubles specialist Richey Reneberg.

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