81.  A simple salad and fresh bread can make a delightful meal.

82.  A single enzyme molecule can make many millions of single isomer product molecules per minute in a chemical reactor.

83.  A single obvious example should suffice to make the point.

84.  A small squadron could make a series of relay runs, each programmed for a few specific targets.

85.  A smaller structure makes it easier to make the transition to a new organizational paradigm.

86.  A steady paycheck also impresses serious people when you want to buy a house or own a car-or even make a trip.

87.  A streetlight beside an elementary school shed just enough light to let me make sense out of the map.

88.  A subscription would make Leapor economically dependent upon the goodwill of the wealthy.

89.  A subsidiary aim of the project is to make available for discussion the methodology of making sociological inferences from such texts.

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