91.  A system of peer review was also introduced to make qualitative judgments about teaching abilities.

92.  A teacher had assigned the class to make a composition by taping personal objects into a notebook.

93.  A technique for doing this is to make an amusing remark against yourself.

94.  A To help alleviate the personal security fears of lone lady drivers, and allow drivers to make business calls whilst enroute.

95.  A tour of Washington DC inspired one visitor to make some interesting observations about the gap between the rich and the poor.

96.  A trip to the store for milk or cigarettes can make walking through a minefield in Bosnia resemble a pleasant experience.

97.  A true cat is often willing to make a fool of herself, but only on her own terms.

98.  A useful tip is to make sure that no more than two brandy snaps are baked on each tray.

99.  A violent, enduring mythology is activated to make sense of immediate socio-political crisis and fear.

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