31.  A hand-held remote control makes the device easy to operate as well.

32.  A handful of smaller companies are making Mac clones for high-end graphics applications and other niche Markets.

33.  A heavy coat makes heat dissipation difficult.

34.  A large airy lounge and adjoining Deck make ideal places to relax after a day of hiking.

35.  A large sports centre has been made at Aviemore, mainly for winter skiing but also for the use of summer tourists.

36.  A list has been made of all students who failed to attend lectures regularly.

37.  A local film crew is making a documentary about volcanoes.

38.  A low camera angle can make a slight anchor look imposing.

39.  A lower dollar also makes their products more expensive and less competitive abroad.

40.  A man saying the same makes national news.

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