11.  A company can make a bundle by selling unwanted property.

12.  A Decision about removing a child from its parents is made on the balance of probabilities.

13.  A Decision is made only on the balance of probabilities.

14.  A Decision on whether to fund the project will be made next spring, as commissioners revise long-term plans.

15.  A deer makes tracks in the snow.

16.  A deluge of medals somehow makes the effort look more meaningful, no matter how little valor accompanies it.

17.  A downtown establishment has always made for satisfying target practice.

18.  A fairly neutral background will make any small splash of colour sing out with particular vibrancy and significance.

19.  A few hours of your time can make the Fund a fortune so please phone Jane Milligan.

20.  A few ounces can make a tremendous difference.

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