71.  Andy would like to see canoeing increasing a lot but it needs Marketing outside the trade through the national media.

72.  Another argument in favour of the provinces is that the steady Decentralisation of justice from London naturally increases the importance of the provincial Bar.

73.  Another assumption made by Marx throughout his work is that higher technology increases the total leisure time available.

74.  Another factor is that the characteristics of intervals are greatly increased in the low registers and Decreased in the upper.

75.  Another is to increase the progressivity of the personal income tax.

76.  Another mechanism, called transposition, can also increase the frequency of one variant through the genome.

77.  Another theory suggests that estrogen levels, which increase after ovulation, inhibit the release of serotonin in the brain.

78.  Anthropologists have also noted that the intensity of parental interaction with children increases as societies become more complex.

79.  Anti-war dissent was increasing by the time Nixon took office.

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