91.  As accuracy and speed increase, the pad is shown for shorter intervals of time.

92.  As afternoon drew on and the shadows lengthened, her fears increased.

93.  As age increases, the inner ear becomes less sensitive to high frequencies.

94.  As articles in scientific journals became more formal, the need for popular writings and lectures increased.

95.  As black participation in the economy increased, the level of repression to enforce apartheid was stepped up.

96.  As cur-rent assets grow with sales, for example, the overall level of current assets will increase permanently.

97.  As death rates have Declined the proportion of elderly classed as Married has increased while the proportion widowed has Decreased.

98.  As economic satisfactions have increased, so the scope for dissatisfaction on social issues May also have increased.

99.  As hospitals continue to consolidate, centralize, and diversify functions, competition will increase at all job levels.

100.  As I discussed earlier, we also need to increase the continuity of relationships between adult caregivers and children.

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