61.  But many Nashville residents are unconvinced, leaving government and civic leaders worried that the once-done Oilers deal actually could collapse.

62.  But Mr Teal had finally left the porch with a great deal of poise.

63.  But now that confronting Enron has captured the necessary headlines, the deal is quietly being put back together again.

64.  But representatives of both sides said, and independent analysts agreed, that the Hebron deal itself is virtually nailed down.

65.  But suppose you have an unlimited number of deals.

66.  But the deal collapsed when it reached an advanced stage an advanced.

67.  But the deal gives Apple a psychological boost and some breathing room.

68.  But the deal is most striking in the way it reshapes Raytheon, based in Lexington, Mass.

69.  But the three veteran big men could be attractive to other teams precisely because their deals are up.

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