31.  Any talk of a deal is premature.

32.  Apart from drugs, detectives believe money is laundered from a variety of black Market deals involving arms and high technology.

33.  As a result, Arnold had a stake in the deals he was negotiating on behalf of the district.

34.  As a rule even musicians signed to major label deals go uninsured, unless they have the foresight to insure themselves.

35.  As a young actor you obviously went for a great deal of variety in characters and accents.

36.  As set out below, more detailed valuations will be undertaken for actual targets at subsequent stages in the deal process.

37.  As the developer lurched toward bankruptcy, Prudential tried to renege on the deal.

38.  As we argue many times in this book, it is the differences that concern government officials in negotiating lasting deals.

39.  Attempts to achieve sales without segmenting these Markets would result in a great deal of wasted effort.

40.  Ayrshire buses dispute deal A PAY dispute which has crippled bus services in Ayrshire could be over.

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