81.  Data Broadcasting would clearly fit the bill.

82.  Data bus systems aren't nearly as sexy as superfast processors or hulking great hard drives.

83.  Data calculations will be provided through the Science and Technology Agency in Japan and through the meteorological agencies of other Asian nations.

84.  Data can be entered through typing or by clicking and pasting from other applications.

85.  Data can move through these slots much, much faster than through a parallel port.

86.  Data centers are a fresh source of area jobs, each employing dozens or hundreds of employees.

87.  Data centers are increasingly offering to maintain Web sites to generate extra revenue _ instead of simply providing warehouse space for the equipment.

88.  Data collected at the first three cities has been tabulated and forwarded to the companies that paid the sponsor fee.

89.  Data collected by the NTSB showed that Flight 427 hit a midair bump just before it began to veer out of control and spiral toward the ground.

90.  Data collected from dozens of Florida sewage recycling plants over the past two years indicated that 60 percent had detectable concentrations of Giardia, which causes intestinal infections.

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