71.  Data alone can't tell where failure results from such school practices that are amenable to reform.

72.  Data also show a 37 percent increase in gun-related suicides.

73.  Data also show that the ice pack over the entire Arctic Ocean has in recent decades been shrinking in area and thickness.

74.  Data also suggest that valerian improves mood and scores on a commonly-used anxiety rating scale.

75.  Data and video services would be added over the next few years, she said.

76.  Data are gradually coming in which support this idea, but, Squire says, it is too early to be confirmed.

77.  Data are loaded onto the Pockey at up to 1.5 megabytes per second.

78.  Data base mapping, however, presents a challenge.

79.  Data base software sales grew by 25 percent, while application sales grew by 28 percent.

80.  Data bases full of personal information compiled by mail-order companies, credit agencies and research firms are for sale.

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