61.  Compared with data of 1990, people's income rose by 25%to 250000 in 2000.

62.  In order to make Email travel on the Internet, people use a local ISP, which gives them access to the Internet''backbone providers'', who own the communications gear that directs traffic over the Internet and connect to each other to exchange data of their customers to send messages.

63.  In the first instance, we can arrive at useful data and get to know the current events to find what happens around the world.

64.  As can be seen from the data above, the average income and expenses in the United States had some changes more or less from 1990 to 2000.

65.  Backbone providers privatized in 1995, which were operated by the National Science Foudation, connect to each other to exchange data of their customers.

66.  We can know from these data that some Americans may be suffering from the difficulties in housing problems and the lack of medical security.

67.  The backbone provider are the Internet players that typically own by connect to each other to exchange data of their customers and National Science Foundation, for example, PSIX.

68.  We may be misled by incorrect data and what's more, we are at risk of being cheated.

69.  According to data in the table, we can draw some general conclusions.

70.  Backbone providers are some special Internet players, they connect to each other to exchange data between their customers.

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