11.  Frequently going out on a data may lead in absence from class.

12.  Because of its high precision, VIS data has an inherent advantage for the\

13.  Backbone providers connect to each other to exchange data between their customers.

14.  The report says survey data, including an exhaustive poll of Hispanics, show that Hispanics who are not yet citizens are more inclined to support Democrats than Hispanics who are citizens.

15.  There is no precise data on the size of the industrial work force in the basin, but a rough estimate would be at least 50 million.

16.  The radiation from the computer, the unverified data and the attraction of the Internet may threaten our health, and disturb our living patterns.

17.  Here, l want to use some data which downloaded from the Internet.

18.  These amazing data just tell us one thing: Jobs made grest contribution to his own company.

19.  Secondly, the quality of the data on the internet can't be guaranteed.

20.  In accordance with the data, by 2006, there are 3.5 million higher education students participating in online education in the United States of America.

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